Google AdSense optimization

This section is dedicated to monetizing your site using one of the best available tools so far- yeah; I’m talking about Google AdSense optimization. Here is the index of the topic that we will be learning- ​

  1. Basics
  2. How to get an AdSense account approved
  3. AdSense vs AdWords
  4. Address verification
  5. Account verification
  6. Link your bank account with AdSense
  7. Advertise blog
  8. How many Ads per page
  9. Click fraud detection
  10. AdSense code placement
  11. Page level ads
  12. Matched content
  13. Initial AdSense earning
  14. How much time it takes to reach first $100

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You can also check out my other posts about Affordable SEO, AdSense Optimization, Website for Residual Income, etc. You can also find my international travelling posts or more about me.