If you are blogging for money, then learning an organic search engine optimization (SEO) is a must. The better SEO you have, the better traffic your site gets, leading to and enhanced Ad servings, and overall improved clicks on those Ads. Obviously, SEO is the backbone of your blogging career. In this section we’ll be learning some of the simple and affordable SEO techniques. However, before we dig the free SEO techniques, it’s worthwhile to briefly investigate, after all, why we need to have a streamlined search engine marketing strategy.

Why Search Engine Marketing?
Well, when I started blogging, I didn’t know SEO methods. I just wrote what I felt writing. Later I added Google Analytics to my site. As time passed, I realized that my site was not getting enough traffic that, as a blogger, we’d fairly expect. The reason: I was more concerned about writing blog-posts, and cared substantially less about my potential readers’ choices.
Although blogging has always been fun, an important aspect learnt during my blogger career was the realization that we write our blog-posts for others to read. That means, the users should be able to find our posts using the search engines (e.g. Google search). After all, there may be hundreds of pages discussing similar topics. Yeah, we have competitors! So why’d Google display your page on the top of the Search Engine Result Page (SERP)? That’s where comes the search engine optimisation. That is to say, when you write, make sure your blog post is ranked higher by the search engines so that they could show up in the SERPs.
Why affordable SEO techniques?
Who’d want to spend money if they’d get the same thing done for free? When I say affordable SEO techniques, all I mean is that there are so many free, affordable and yet effective ways to optimize your blog-post’s content. Not to mention, there is a lot of cool stuff to write about the affordable SEO techniques. So I will be sharing details on a variety of SEO methods. Some of the topics include-
- Local SEO Expert – Best SEO Plugin for WordPress
- Organic SEO Expert: Search Engine Marketing & SEO Steps
- Affordable SEO basics
- Google keyword planner
- Sitemaps
- Website redirection
- Yoast SEO plugin
- 400 errors
- Google search console
- Google analytics
- How to submit a page to Google Analytics
- SSL certificate
- Site variants, http/https
- Common analytics tips – search traffic, geo, bounce rate
- Backlinks
- Photo compression and SEO
- Page Ranking basics
- Google Panda Algorithm
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If you find the write-ups useful, buy me a beer! 🙂
You can also check out my other posts about AdSense Optimization, Website for Residual Income, etc. You can also find my international travelling posts or more about me.
Happy blogging for money!
Last updated: Wednesday, December 20, 2017