Are you a blogger or considering to be a blogger? If so, then you are reading the right post. At one point in your blogging endeavors you’ll realize that an effective search engine marketing is very crucial for a successful blogging career. Moreover, if you are blogging for money (e.g., participating in Google’s AdSense program), then you’d better know how important is the organic search engine optimization (SEO). In fact, there are so many ways to optimize your posts for an enhanced page ranking. In this post I will share details of the free, simple and affordable SEO techniques that can make you an organic SEO expert. Let’s learn some of the basic SEO steps.

Related post: Search Engine Marketing & Affordable SEO Techniques
What is an Organic Search Engine Optimization?
The traffic that your site receives from the search engine queries is referred to as the organic traffic. When you optimize your posts for the search engines to rank your page higher in the Search Engine Result Page (SERP), it’s basically an organic search engine optimization.

Why Organic Search Engine Optimization so important?
As you’d know, the users can find your blog-posts from various sources. For example, you may publicize your posts on a variety social media platforms (e.g. Facebook). These users will read your post and may click on some of the Ads. However, I suppose, the probability of these users actually buying a product from these Ads is relatively low. Because, they were not necessarily looking for your new post. They might have just seen the post out of nowhere and ended up clicking on some of the Ads.
A Google AdSense veteran would know the risk of users not buying a product after the clicks. In such cases, you’d risk putting up your web pages in the Google Smart Pricing list. Here is the official quotation for Google Smart Pricing:
“If our data shows that a click from a Google Network page is less likely to turn into an actionable business result – such as an online sale, registration, phone call or newsletter sign-up – we may reduce the bid for that page.”
That simply means, Google’s AdWords may stop serving high Cost Per Click (CPC) Ads on the corresponding web pages. That’s kind of a disaster if you are blogging for money. Moreover, the low CPC Ads carry lower Revenue Per Mille (RPM – revenue per thousand impressions, as you may call them). So your overall AdSense earning may be substantially lower.
As such, the best traffics are the ones you receive from SERPs. The users who find your post form the search engine queries are virtually looking for the answers to some of their “queries”. If your sites display Ads related to those queries, the users are more likely to click on those contexts-specific Ads. In such scenarios, the chances for a user to buy a product from the Ad clicks remains higher. That’s the fundamental of how Google makes money from AdSense advertising.
Moreover, there are multiple ways of doing SEO, including some paid services. However, as a newbie blogger, you may not have enough financial resources to buy paid SEO services. So it’s always good to know some of the affordable SEO techniques.
I hope it’s clear why the organic search engine optimization is so important, especially if you are blogging for money.
Top 11 SEO steps for Organic SEO Expert and effective SEO techniques
Now let’s dig how you can go for an organic search engine marketing. Here are the top 11 affordable SEO steps:
Step 1: Find your Organic Search Engine Optimisation Keywords
There is no organic search engine marketing without finding the suitable SEO keywords. I’d recommend using the Google Keyword Planner to find your SEO keywords. The planner utilizes data from the Google search queries which adds credibility to the SEO keywords. You may also use more than one keyword in your blog-posts. For example, when I am writing this blog post, I am optimizing this post with the following keywords:
- SEO Steps
- Organic SEO Expert
- SEO Expert
- Search Engine Marketing
You might be wondering why’d I selected those keywords. Well, I have analyzed their cost-effectiveness for the expected CPC and RPM earnings. Let me show you the revenue potential that these keywords bring along. Here is the screenshot from the Google Keyword Planner (December 2017, CPC in SG$ -Singapore dollar):

Basically, Google’s AdWords would show Ad on this page using these keywords. The Ads that are displayed based on the keyword “Organic SEO Expert” may bring up to SG$ 25/click. Not a bad deal!
Step 2: Put the SEO keywords in your title
This should be obvious. If you put the important keywords in the title, it’s convenient for the readers to find what the blog-post is all about. That means, when a search engine marketing expert looks at your post, he’d be able to guess the keywords in your post. Similarly, the Google search engine (or Bing, Yahoo, etc.) is the finest organic SEO expert and it’d rank your web page based on the page’s title.
If you have only one keyword, make sure the keyword is placed at the beginning of the blog-post’s page title.
Step 3: Add keywords in the slug of your post’s url
A slug is the exact address of a specific page or post on your site. The stop words can be avoided. For example, if you look at the slug of this post, it looks like:
Can you see all the aforementioned keywords in the slug?

Step 4: put the key words in the first paragraph
Put the keywords in the first paragraph of your post. It doesn’t only help the readers to immediately find the topic of the post, but it helps the search engines as well.
Step 5: create a few subheadings with keywords
Make sure your post has at least a few subheadings. You can distribute all your keywords across the subheadings. For example, the keyword “organic SEO expert” was mentioned in one of the subheadings. Could you find all the aforementioned keywords for this post in different subheadings?
Step 6: Add organic Search Engine Marketing keywords in the Photos
Your blog-post’s should contain at least a few photos. These photos contain multiple SEO fields, such as caption, title, ALT attributes, etc. These fields can be used for the organic search engine optimization. Make sure you add the keywords in the photo’s name as well. Again, if you have multiple keywords, you could distribute them across the photos.
Step 7: add a Meta description
The meta description content is displayed in the SERP along with a web page’s slug. The search engines would show the meta-content every time when your page appears on SERPs. So, you’d make sure to add a meta description to your page. If you forgot to add the meta description, the search engines would display some content from the blog-post (may be from the first paragraph) with a slug in the SERP.
Step 8: interlink your articles and provide a few external references
You should make it a habit to interlink your relevant blog-posts. Imagine, if you don’t care about your posts, who else would? Also, adding external hyperlinked references improves the credibility of the provided web-contents. You can also use Google AdSense’s matched content tool if you have an AdSense account. Interlinking of contents not only improves user engagement, but also provides the user an easy access to the relevant contents. This is one of the reasons why Wikipedia often ranks higher in the SEPRs.

Step 9: write longer posts
Search engines love long posts that provide in-depth analysis about the keywords. However, if you don’t have too much to add or you are intentionally writing a small post, a length of 300 words per post could be used as a benchmark.
Step 10: Keyword density
Make sure that the keywords density in your post is around 0.5%. If you follow the above listed suggestions, you are going to have 5-6 appearances of each of the keywords. However, don’t overdo it. Search engines (especially Google’s Panda Algorithm) have gotten better with SEO malpractices and you may get penalized if your post contains too many keywords together. For example, if the keyword is SEO, you shouldn’t write something like: “SEO is important for an organic SEO expert because SEO pages appear in SEPRs when SEO users search SEO”. 🙂
Step 11: distribution of keywords
Make sure the keywords are distributed evenly across the post. You can add them, for example, in first paragraph, last paragraph, photo captions, subheadings, and at a few places in the main body of a blog-post. Moreover, make sure you select different sets of keywords for each of your posts. If you use common keywords across different posts, your web pages’ would start competing with each other. 🙂
Any plugin for Organic SEO Expert?
Sure, I have listed my favorite top 10 SEO plugins, check them out: Best SEO Plugin for WordPress. If you have to choose one of them, then you I’d recommend the Yoast SEO plugin.
That’s all in this post about the organic SEO Expert. If you’re blogging for money, you’ll need to use these simple SEO steps
If you have any query, feel free to post in our forum so that others could also contribute and learn. For regular updates like us on Facebook, or follow on Twitter!
Happy building a blog! Happy blogging for money!
If you find the write-ups useful, buy me a beer!
Last updated: Thursday, December 21, 2017