Covid-19 Coronavirus 2020 Live Blog-post, Latest Updates
I have been living in China (Suzhou, Jiangsu province) since 2017. In this live-blog, I will regularly update you about the statistical figures and issues related to Wuhan Coronavirus 2020 Outbreak. You may also want to check out more information about Mandarin Chinese language, Chinese Reading Books, Chinese Culture, and the author’s Amazon home page.
Wuhan Huanan Seafood Market: alleaged source of the Coronavirus 2019-nCoV.
Virus: SARS-CoV-2, which causes disease named COVID-19 (New Coronavirus 2019-nCoV)
Source of infection: New coronavirus-infected pneumonia patients
Transmission: It can be transmitted through respiratory droplets or through contact. There are also possibilities of fecal and oral transmissions.
Vulnerable population: everyone is generally susceptible to be infected. The elderly, children, infants, young children and those with underlying diseases seem to be more vulnerable after the infection.
Incubation period: generally 3 to 7 days, or up to 14 days, contagious during the incubation period.
Coronavirus confirmed cases (The Guardian).Daily Infections.Infections Outside China (morning, 17th March 2020).Infections Inside China (morning, 17th March 2020).Europe Infections (morning, 17th March 2020).
16th March 2020
Infections Outside China (morning, 16th March 2020).Infections Inside China (morning, 16th March 2020).
15th March 2020
Infections Outside China (noon, 15th March 2020).Infections Inside China (noon, 15th March 2020).
14th March 2020
Infections Outside China (morning, 14th March 2020).Infections Inside China (morning, 14th March 2020).
13th March 2020
Infections Outside China (morning, 13th March 2020).Infections Inside China (morning, 13th March 2020).
12th March 2020
Infections Outside China (morning, 12th March 2020).Infections Inside China (morning, 12th March 2020).
11th March 2020
Infections Inside China (morning, 11th March 2020).Infections Outside China (morning, 11th March 2020).
10th March 2020
Infections Inside China (morning, 10th March 2020).Infections Outside China (morning, 10th March 2020).
9th March 2020
InfectionsInside China (morning, 9th March 2020).Infections OutsideChina (morning, 9th March 2020).
8th March 2020
Infections Inside China (morning, 8th March 2020).Infections Outside China (morning, 8th March 2020).
7th March 2020
China’s COVID-19 Infection Statistics (morning, 7th March 2020).Infections Outside China (morning, 7th March 2020).
6th March 2020
China’s COVID-19 Infection Statistics (morning, 6th March 2020).
5th March 2020
China’s COVID-19 Infection Statistics (morning, 5th March 2020).
4th March 2020
China’s COVID-19 Infection Statistics (morning, 4th March 2020).Cases in China remain low.Infections Outside China (morning, 1st March 2020).
3rd March 2020
China’s COVID-19 Infection Statistics (morning, 3rd March 2020).
2nd March 2020
COVID-19 Infection Statistics (morning, 2nd March 2020).
COVID-19 Infections: 1st March 2020
Global COVID-19 Infection Statistics (morning, 1st March 2020).Infections Outside China (morning, 1st March 2020).
29th February 2020
Global COVID-19 Infection Statistics (morning, 29th February 2020).
28th February 2020
COVID-19 Infection Statistics (morning, 28th February 2020).
27th February 2020
Latest COVID-19 Infection Statistics (morning, 27th February 2020).
26th February 2020
COVID-19 Infection Statistics (morning, 26th February 2020).
25th February 2020
COVID-19 Infection Statistics (morning, 25th February 2020).
24th February 2020
COVID-19 Infection Statistics (morning, 24th February 2020).
23rd February 2020
Morning, 23rd February 2020.
22nd February 2020
Global COVID-19 Infection Statistics (morning, 22nd February 2020).
21st February 2020
Latest COVID-19 Infection Statistics (morning, 21st February 2020).
20th February 2020
20th February 2020.
19th February 2020
COVID-19 Infection Statistics.
18th February 2020
Latest COVID-19 Infection Statistics (morning, 18th February 2020).
17th February 2020
Latest 2019-nCoV infection statistics (9.30am, 17th Feb 2020).
16th February 2020
Global COVID-19 Infection Statistics (morning, 16th February 2020).
15th February 2020
COVID-19 infection statistics (8.30am, 15th Feb 2020).
14th February 2020
COVID-19 infection statistics (11.19am, 14th Feb 2020).
13th February 2020
Overall COVID-19 infection statistics (4.40pm, 13th Feb 2020).Number of COVID-19 cases (morning, 13th Feb 2020).
12th February 2020
SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 infection statistics (10.20am, 12th Feb 2020).
Daily number of COVID-19 cases.
11th February 2020
Overall coronavirus infection statistics (9.40am, 11th Feb 2020).Deaths from Coronavirus by 10th Feb, 2020.
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