I relocated to China nearly 4 months ago (November, 2017), and frankly speaking, my understanding about the ways of living in China had been substantially limited. One important aspect about the expats life in China I’ve gradually realized is that living in China could be fascinating as there are loads things to learn for foreigners. In fact, if you like learning, come to China, you are going to love it over here! As you relocate to this beautiful country, you’ll need to get adapted to the local ways of managing life. Obviously, online shopping in China is now part and parcel of one’s life. As such, you’ll need to install some of the Chinese shopping Apps on your phone. Moreover, if you are in China, you can’t use Google Play – that means, you may often have to find the top Apps in China using another App store.

Related post – Living in Suzhou, Jiangsu, China.
It seems that some of the mobile Apps, such as the Bank of Communication, would show up only if you type the names using Mandarin characters in the Chinese App stores. So I’d provide you a list of the top Apps in China, including the names in English, Mandarin and pinyin. Just put them in your App store (e.g. Google Play), and you should be able to find the Apps easily. Here is the list with a brief description of each App, follow the links to dig more. 🙂
how to download WhatsApp, Facebook, Gmail in China?
If you buy a mobile hand phone in China, there is a high chance that your phone doesn’t come with preinstalled Facebook, Gmail, WhatsApp, etc. So how will you install them (assuming you are living in China)? Well, we know that Google services are heavily blocked in China. So obviously you can’t use Google Play Store. So a natural question is – which App store you’ll use so that you can download the aforementioned western mobile Apps? For example, how to download WhatsApp, Facebook, etc. in China?
Well, one way is to use a VPN and get Google Play Store working (I have already shared details about best VPN services in the mainland China). Another way could be using a Chinese App store.
Here is my favorite Chinese App store – the App store is called Baidu Mobile Assistant (百度手机助手, Bǎidù shǒujī zhùshǒu).
Most likely, your preinstalled App store wouldn’t allow you downloading this App store. So here is the link – download Baidu Mobile Assistant (百度手机助手, Bǎidù shǒujī zhùshǒu). Just download and install it on your phone. Subsequently, you can easily download WhatsApp, etc. using this App without a VPN.
Chinese shopping app
I think Alipay (支付宝, Zhīfùbǎo), Taobao (淘宝网, Táobǎo wǎng), and JingDong (京东, Jīngdōng) would arguably be your best bet for online shopping in China. Taobao is for buying all types of goods. Alipay is a multiple function payment processing App, such as paying your restaurant bill, booking flight/train tickets, booking taxi, etc. In fact, Alipay is the App that I use more often than any other Chinese Apps. Btw, the owner of Alipay and Taobao is the same guy – Jack Ma. I’d write a long post about Alipay in the future.
JingDong is another very popular platform for buying computer, laptop, etc. No wonder, JingDong and Taobao are viewed as competitors in the Chinese online shopping market.

WeChat is one of the top apps in China
Do you know what is WeChat (微信, Wēixìn)? I wrote a long article about WeChat describing some of its important features. In summary, WeChat is a messaging app that can be used in both smartphone and computer (using web application).
Btw, similar to Alipay, WeChat can also be used for making payments. So as you can understand, Alipay and WeChat are also competitors.

Baidu (百度, Bǎidù)
China has its own version of navigation Apps, and the most popular one is Baidu (百度, Bǎidù). The Baidu App is really-really awesome and if you have checked my articles in Chinese Learning Course, you can conveniently navigate in China using Baidu Map. Another popular Chinese navigation App is Gaode (by AutoNavi Software Co., Ltd is also lead the same Jack Ma).
Anyways, I prefer using Baidu for navigation. Baidu also offers a web browser coupled with a Chinese search engine. As such, most of my Chinese colleagues use Baidu for web search (usually no Bing, no Google, no Yahoo).
app for ordering Food to home delivery in China
If you want to order food to your home, then you need to use MeiTuan (美团网, Mĕi tuán wǎng). It’s simply an awesome App, and the prices are very competitive. Quite often, you can get a free home delivery (especially if you order the Chinese food). Most of the time I order a meal for RMB 15-20, and its delivered within 15-20 minutes. I remember, once on a snowy and rainy day I ordered a meal for RMB 15. Again, it was delivered within 15 minutes. Btw, MeiTuan doesn’t seem to accept any credit or debit card unless you have a Chinese ID card (foreigners often may not have a local ID number, and an international passport is not accepted). However, you can make payments to MeiTuan using Alipay or WeChat.

App for Weather forecasts in China
We know that China is a big country, and the weather condition changes from region to region, time to time. The locals are very careful and usually keep track of the weather forecasts.
If you want to know the weather forecasts (such as rain, snowfall, pollution, sunshine, etc.) then TianQi Tong (天气通, Tiānqì tōng) would be just perfect. All of my colleagues’ have TianQi Tong installed on their phones. You can find weather forecasts for up to next two weeks in all Chinese cities. Just install and use, no need to sign up. Free usage!
Translator apps
If you can’t speak Chinese, then you’d often rely on the English to Chinese language translator Apps. Fortunately, you can use Google Translate App in China (it’s not blocked). Surprisingly, you can also use Google’s Chinese domain site: https://translate.google.cn/ (again, it’s not blocked in China). Youdao (有道, Yǒu dào) is another very popular translator App among the Chinese people.

The Banking Apps
I have a bank account with the Bank of Communication (交通银行, Jiāotōng yínháng), and I use the banking App by the same bank. It’s very useful. I can also pay credit card bills using the same mobile App. Basically, you’ll need to find your own bank’s App.
China Travel apps
Booking a train, flight, hotel, etc. in China can often be confusing for foreigners. In fact, I had a very weird experience in Shanghai. Check this one out – Where to stay in Shanghai – Mainland Chinese Citizens – Special Offer/ Business Double/ Twin Room.
Anyways, Chinese people would often use Ctrip to book flights, hotels. If you know some basic Chinese, then you can book train from the Chinese Railways official website. You can also find the App form Chinese Railway – search 12306 in your App store (this is the Chinese government’s official App). I personally like using the App. Do keep in mind that you need to have a Chinese phone number to sign up on this App.
However, if you want to avoid all hassles, just use the trip.com App. The App is owned by Ctrip, and it’s aimed at foreigners who wish to explore China.

The Internet browsers
You can use Chrome or Mozilla Firefox browsers in the mainland China. They can be installed using a Chinese App store as well (just type Chrome, and you’ll find it). As such, Google Chrome is not blocked in China.
Do you need a Chinese phone number?
Some Apps require you to have a Chinese phone number (some Apps do not) and Chinese bank account. For example, I have tried my best with the Chinese Railways App to pay using international credits, but the App doesn’t seem to accept them. WeChat also the similar issues. Alipay and Taobao do have international editions, and they may work with the non-Chinese numbers and bank accounts.

Disable notifications
Once installed, most of the aforementioned Apps would keep sending you notifications every now and then. If you don’t like receiving the notifications, you could consider disabling them.
That’s all in this post.
If you have any question about the top apps in China or Chinese shopping app, feel free to post in our forum so that others could also contribute and learn. For regular updates like us on Facebook, or follow on Twitter!
If you are enjoying the top Apps in China, or find the write-ups useful, don’t forget to buy me a beer!
Happy shopping in China.
Last updated: Wednesday, March 28, 2018