Welcome to the Chinese Language Proficiency Test of SKMLifestyle’s Chinese Language course to learn Chinese fast. The journey to learn Chinese language is rather tricky. If you don’t test you learning, you may simply have no clue how much you that have learnt so far. In order to assess your Mandarin Chinese learning, I have prepared a Chinese level test series. This page is intended to serve as the index page of the Chinese language test.

No matter how and where you learn Chinese language, this test series will provide you a much needed solid direction to evaluate your Mandarin proficiency.
Chinese Language Proficiency Test INDEX
Here are the Chinese language test links, follow them through to test your Mandarin Chinese skills.
- UNIT 1 Test Sets
- UNIT 2 Test Sets
- UNIT 3 Test Sets
- UNIT 4 Test Sets
When I started to learn Chinese language, I didn’t have any such well-structured test series. I wish there was one. Anyways, now you have the opportunity to test your learning.
Frankly, what’s the point of reading lessons to learn Chinese fast if you are not able to answer the relevant basic questions? You should be brave enough to face the test. Moreover, you can always refer back to the lessons to think about the answers. In any case, I’m always here to clarify your questions. 🙂
Pattern of Chinese language test
The test sets would emphasize testing your understanding of the corresponding units (including Chinese vocabulary test). For each of the units, the Chinese language test sets will be broadly divided into two parts – Test Set 1 & Test Set 2. The difficulty level for the Test Set 1 will be relatively easier, however, the level for the Test Set 2 will be moderately higher. Each of the test sets will contain at least 20 objective type questions (multiple answer type). That means, every unit will have at least 40 questions.
Moreover, since the tests will be based on the topics covered in the respective units, I’ll humbly urge you to follow the lessons sincerely (check out all lessons from Unit 1 and background Unit 0).
Frankly, what’s the point of reading lessons to learn Chinese fast if you are not able to answer the relevant questions? You should be brave enough to face the test. You can always refer back to the lessons to find the answers. In any case, I’m always here to clarify your questions. 🙂
Wish you good luck with the Chinese Language Proficiency Test of the Chinese Language course. Hope it’s now it’s easier for you to test your Chinese skills when you learn Mandarin online.
If you have any question about Chinese Language Proficiency Test or Chinese language course, feel free to post in our forum so that others could also contribute and learn. For regular updates like us on Facebook, or follow on Twitter!
If you enjoy to learn Chinese language, or find the write-ups useful, don’t forget to buy me a beer!
Happy Mandarin Chinese learning.