Have you decided to pursue a PhD degree and worried – how to write my research paper? Fret not! If you are considering a career in academia, you’d come across a point where writing a research paper is virtually compulsory – there is just no escape. The old cliché, “publish or perish” still holds a genuine significance. That’s why in this post, we have decided to bring up some of the tips for writing a good research paper.

Please be informed that I have a PhD in Bioinformatics, so you might get a feel that the post is slightly biased towards the computational biologists. In fact, quite a few words in the post may sound technical; after all, research papers are often focused and not generic (unless you are writing a philosophical review paper 🙂 ). Nevertheless, we’ll strive to keep the wording as simple as possible.
Write My Research Paper for Me
Before we plunge into dissecting the research paper writing process, let me put up you a couple of simple questions! Did you know why to write a paper? Why the publications are considered to be so crucial for a good career progression in academia? Alright, let’s look briefly why publishing papers are important.
Related post – How To Complete PhD On Time & How Long Does It Take To Get A Doctorate Degree?
Well, there are a gazillion of reasons! For example, every published paper is a record for a lifetime, and beyond. Who’d know your work if you don’t publish? Without proper publications, your hard work and contributions may be gone unrecognised. If you have a paper during your Master’s degree, it’s much easier to get admission in a prestigious university’s PhD degree programme. As such, you’ll have a tough time finding a research position if your PhD thesis doesn’t include good publications.
In fact, for each of your manuscript submissions, you’ll receive reviewers’ invaluable feedback on your research work. Your published work is a worldwide recognised certificate of the hard work you’d put into action.
Nevertheless, if you are uncomfortable publishing papers, reconsider your research career.
Choosing A Right Career Track Is More Important Than Working Hard!

Paper structure & Tips for Writing a Good Research Paper
Whether you are a research scholar or faculty member, the pressure to publish quality research papers is here to stay. So are you also one of those often wondering – how to write my research paper for me? Believe me, writing a research paper, although not a piece of cake, it’s absolutely worth the effort. Moreover, writing a beautiful manuscript could be a streamlined process if you follow the following tips for writing a good research paper. Although these suggestions are mostly broad framework guidelines, you’d readily adapt and update them to your own areas of research.
If you have read a few research papers, you’d notice that usually the research papers follow a homogeneous pattern. As such, most of the papers have the following 5 integral parts-
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Methods
- Results
- Conclusion
Now let’s dig each of these sections, one by one.
The abstract section should be aimed at presenting the central idea of the corresponding paper, not the detailed results. As such, a passing reference to the results would be enough. No bibliographic citations should be added in this section. Moreover, the abstract of your paper should have self-sustained life. That means, even the scholars with different spheres of competence, after reading the abstract, should be able get a very clear and concise picture about the research being presented.
The abstract could be broadly divided into five components – Motivation, problem statement, your approach to solve the stated problem, brief results, and conclusions.
In the introduction section we usually start with a general literature survey. For example, if your research is related to curing cancer, you’d provide a survey of existing work on cancer research. You should highlight motivation for solving cancer. Basically, you have to introduce a problem first. Then you can point out-
- How existing works are unable to address the stated problems, their limitations
- How your work addresses some of the limitations of the given problem.
As you conclude the introduction section, you’d introduce your work, highlight the novelty and contributions in your work. Remember, you don’t necessarily have to solve the problem (e.g. cancer) in its entirety. Rather, you have to provide novel solutions for, at least, some of the relevant issues.
As you keep reading the new research papers every now and then, you’d keep jotting down the most important points. So that when you start writing a manuscript, it wouldn’t consume too much time.

The Method section is the backbone of your whole research paper. In this section you are expected to elaborate the following points-
- Data – A Brief explanation of the data that you are using. If you are normalizing the data, make it clear.
- Your work is data driven, knowledge driven, or a mix of both (Hybrid modeling)?
- Computational Model – How did you derive the model (fuzzy logic, Boolean logic, Ordinary Differential Equations). For example, Michaelis–Menten kinetics is one of the well-known methods to derive Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE) based model.
- Parameter estimation techniques – How do you find the model parameters (say Bayesian framework)?
- How do you derive the likelihood function? Can we have a likelihood free model (Approximate Bayesian Computation –ABC framework)?
- Network structure determination – How did you determine the topology of your network? Your network is literature curated or manually coded?
Each of these points has to be explained in the utmost details.
The Result section would contribute the most to the reviewers’ final decisions on your manuscripts’ eventual selection. No wonder, this is arguably the most important section. Here are some the points you’d rather keep in mind-
- Present all the crucial results. Each important finding may constitute a separate sub-section.
- Present inferred parameters (at least a summary).
- Validation of your results – How do your results make sense? Are they consistent with the existing literature sources? If not, what could be the reason? If yes, is it a case of model overfitting?
- Sensitivity and robustness analysis of model parameters – This is to ensure that your model is robust against the slight perturbations in its parameters.
- Comparison of your results with other existing frameworks. For example, if you’d use the Genetic Algorithm to perform optimization, the results may be compared with the Simulated Annealing based optimization.
- Consistency and reproducibility.
- Confirm that your model is not overfitting. How your model differs from a random model?
- Statically significance – can you provide a p-value or z-test (or other tests) details to prove that the results are statically significant?
- Last but not least, do add a few diagrams and tables. For example, provide your z-test results in the form of table and diagrams.

The Conclusion section has to be concise and coherent. You may include the following three parts in this section-
- A brief summary of you’re the manuscript.
- Limitations of your work – be humble and honest.
- Future direction – how your work can be extended to an expanded or new data set?
General Tips For Writing A Good Research Paper
- Getting a journal paper published requires going through the vicious cycle of submit-revise-resubmit. Don’t lose your focus. Stay determined!
- If you are new to publishing papers, initially you may try to be a third author on a paper, gradually move to second, and then first author.
- Write a no-nonsense manuscript- make no spelling or grammar mistakes. Ask a native English speaker to proofread your manuscript if required.
- Submit manuscripts in the Latex format as submitting in the Microsoft Word format can have implications. For example, if your file was written in Word 2014, and the reviewer is using Word 2010, a possibility of content misplacement just can’t be ruled out.
That’s all for now about how to write my research paper, and hope it helps.
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If you find the write-ups useful, buy me a beer! 🙂
Rock on!
Last updated: Tuesday, October 24, 2017
Very nice much needed in the ending years of PhD
Thanks, all the best!
I am student for PhD Filiipino.. I have an assignment for qualitative research..i cannot research a example of quali research.. (Introduction,result,analysis,discussion)INRAD..7 pages 8..
Pls help me..
Please check with Google. 🙂 Good luck.